Hot tubs are commonly used for hydrotherapy to treat a range of injuries and illnesses. The warm water stimulates blood flow circulation and increases production of endorphins, otherwise known as the “feel good” hormones. The combination of improved circulation and increased endorphins helps strengthen the immune system, decrease inflammation, restore injured tissue, and rejuvenate the body.
Vancouver hot tubs businesses know that all it takes is a matter of minutes for you to start reaping the benefits of hydrotherapy. In an article for national consumer magazine, Pool & Spa Outdoor, Kimberlee Courtney shows what happens to the body as it soaks in a hot tub:
“After 5 minutes. Your blood pressure and pulse rates begin to drop.
After 8 – 10 minutes. The warm water increases your blood flow and circulation improves in your hands and feet, making them feel warmer.
After 12 – 15 minutes. The buoyancy effect of the water allows your muscles to relax and become more reactive to passive exercise. Your tissues are more malleable and become receptive to stretching, which encourages the release of lactic acid and other toxins from your body.
After 15 – 20 minutes. By eliminating the effect of gravity, pressure is removed from the joints, and stress on the supporting muscles and ligaments is lessened. Your aches and pains begin to decrease in severity.”
An important facet of hot tubs are the jets that are responsible for creating a hydrotherapeutic massage by releasing a combination of water and air. Most hot tub models come preconfigured with a number of jets, but some models offer interchangeable seat backs.
If you are thinking of getting a hot tub, you should also factor in the unit’s jet power and size, and of course, its ergonomic functions.
Vancouver BC hot tubs providers, such as H2O Spas, should be able to provide you with various options for tubs and spas that will suit your unique hydrotherapeutic need.
(Article Excerpt and Image from “Hot Tubs for Hydrotherapy,” Pool & Spa Outdoor, Undated).